At Faith OPC, our desire is to grow as disciples together, through the preaching of the Word and the sacraments on Sunday mornings. We also deeply desire to grow in grace and fellowship with one another outside of the Lord's Day worship service. Here you will find opportunities to grow in community, your relationship with Christ, and your service to others for the glory of God.

Get Involved at Faith OPC
Adult Sunday School takes place every Sunday morning from 10:00-10:45 am in the main sanctuary. Pastor Michael or another elder leads our time together. Recent topics have included Pilgrim's Progress, Apologetics, Romans, and Church History. Please note that we take a break from Adult Sunday School during the summer months.
Children's Sunday School takes place every Sunday during the same time as Adult Sunday School (10-10:45 am on Sunday mornings). Currently, Sunday School is only available for children ages 7-13. All other ages are welcome to sit with their parents in Adult Sunday School.
Please drop your children off with their teacher; the classrooms are off of the fellowship hall wing of the building.
The men of Faith OPC gather in the evening on the last Friday of every month for a time of food and fellowship. For more information about getting involved, contact
The women of Faith OPC are currently going through the book Confessing the Faith by Chad Van Dixhoorn. Their meeting times take place twice a month, on alternating Wednesdays and Saturdays from 10-11:30 am. For more information about getting involved in the book study, contact
The women of Faith OPC also enjoy monthly gatherings that include everything from game nights, to baby showers, to Christmas cookie exchanges.
If you are 18 to 30 and looking for edifying fellowship with other believers, we hope you can join us for our young adults' group. In recent years, we have had game nights, lunch with each elder, and read through Philippians and Delighting in the Trinity. Reach out to
Serve with the OPC
Explore opportunities both locally and globally with the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. While these are not ministries specific to Faith OPC, we are grateful for our partnership with these local and global committees!
Worldwide Outreach
The Committee on Christian Education seeks to encourage, equip and assist the OPC by providing Reformed resources and training to help OP members grow in grace, aid ministers in effectively fulfilling their calling, enable officers to wisely serve the church, aid in biblically Reformed evangelism, and instruct those in the broader church. For more information, contact Rev. Danny E. Olinger, general secretary.
The foreign missions work of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church is conducted through its Committee on Foreign Missions (composed of nine ministers and six ruling elders elected by the general assembly) as a part of the Church's total Worldwide Outreach program. To learn more about ways to serve with or pray for the Committee on Foreign Missions, click here.
Visit the OPC Short-Term Missions' website to find ways to get involved.
Local Outreach
The Committee on Diaconal Ministries seeks to do the following:
• Aid Requests
• Diaconal Training
• Disaster Response
• Missionary Deacons
• Refugee Ministry
Visit the CDM website to learn more.
OPC Disaster Response exists to help churches and mission fields find individuals and teams to assist them with short-term ministry projects, mobilize the church to respond to disasters, and encourages the church to grow in service.
Visit the CHMCE website for the most up-to-date information about the Committee on Home Missions and Church Extension.