About Us
What We Believe
But when the goodness and loving kindness of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out on us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that being justified by his grace we might become heirs according to the hope of eternal life. The saying is trustworthy, and I want you to insist on these things, so that those who have believed in God may be careful to devote themselves to good works. These things are excellent and profitable for people.
Titus 3:4–8
About the OPC
The Orthodox Presbyterian Church was founded on June 11, 1936, in the aftermath of the fundamentalist-modernist controversy, under the leadership of J. Gresham Machen (longtime professor of New Testament at Princeton Theological Seminary, who also founded Westminster Theological Seminary in 1929). With the infiltration of theological liberalism, the mainline Presbyterian Church in the USA had departed from historic Christianity, including the rejection of doctrines such as the inspiration and authority of Scripture, the virgin birth of Christ, and the substitutionary atonement. Originally calling itself the Presbyterian Church of America, the young church was forced by the threat of a lawsuit to change its name in 1939, and it adopted the name Orthodox Presbyterian Church.
In nearly eight decades since its founding, the OPC has slowly grown to over 30,000 members in over 300 churches throughout the United States and Canada. It has been vigorous in its defense and propagation of the historic Reformed faith as expressed in the Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms. The church’s efforts in worldwide outreach are conducted largely through three denominational standing committees: foreign missions, home missions and church extension, and Christian education. The OPC recognizes other churches of like faith and practice and is a member of the North American Presbyterian and Reformed Council (NAPARC) and the International Conference of Reformed Churches (ICRC).
To learn more about the OPC, click here.
Church Officers
Our Pastor

Michael Preciado
The Reverend Doctor Michael Preciado was installed as Pastor of Faith OPC in 2024. Previously, he served first as Associate and then Senior Pastor of Christ Church Presbyterian (PCA) in Irvine, CA from 2005-2019. Michael holds a BA and an MA in Philosophy, an MDiv. From Westminster Seminary, CA, and a PhD. in Philosophical Theology from the University of Aberdeen, Scotland. He is the author of A Reformed View of Freedom: The Compatibility of Guidance Control and Reformed Theology and has been published in The Journal of Reformed Theology. He is married to Alexandra and has two children, Michael Jr. and Kirsten.
Ruling Elders

John Emmett
John Emmett was baptized in the Catholic Church as an infant, but grew up attending Believers Chapel in Dallas with his family. After graduating from the University of Texas at Austin, John moved to Chicago and joined Covenant PCA in 1991, where he met and married his wife, Naomi. John and his family moved to the suburbs of Chicago in late 1997 and transferred their membership to Bethel OPC in Wheaton, IL, where he was ordained as a deacon. The Emmetts and their three children returned home to the Metroplex in late 2001, and they became involved with the planting of Faith OPC. John was ordained and installed as a Ruling Elder upon the particularization of the church on July 9, 2004. John and his family currently live in Allen.

Dirk Roorda
Dirk Roorda has served as a ruling elder of Faith OPC since 2016. Dirk grew up in the PCUSA, and joined the OPC as a young adult. Before joining Faith OPC, he served as a ruling elder in OPC churches in Cedar Falls, IA, and Vandalia, OH. Dirk’s education is in engineering and business. He is married to Astaire and has three children, Adele, Jacqueline, and Eva.

Michael Puyear
Michael Puyear and his family began attending Faith OPC in the winter of 2004. They were members of a Presbyterian church in Greenville for four years prior to joining Faith OPC. Michael was ordained and installed as a Ruling Elder at Faith OPC in March 2016. He and his wife, Tamara, live in Royse City.

Mark Henley
Mark Henley married his high school sweetheart Vickie while getting an engineering degree at Texas Tech. After college, during his time in the Air Force, he was introduced to, and embraced, reformed theology. After deciding to leave the Air Force, he resigned his commission and spent the next 35 years in the aerospace and defense industry before retiring. During that time, he was part of the group that helped plant the PCA church in Waco, Texas where he was ordained as a Ruling Elder when the church was particularized. After moving to the Dallas area, he and Vickie joined Faith OPC where he served as a Deacon until being installed as a Ruling Elder in 2022. He and Vickie have two children – James and Julia – both of whom are married and have families in the Waco area.

Stan Tarbell
Stan Tarbell holds a Masters degree in Theology from Trinity Theological Seminary, and served as a Ruling Elder in the PCA prior to moving from California to Texas in 2020 with his wife, Judy. They then began attending Faith OPC, where Stan was installed as a Ruling Elder in 2022.

Michael Bracken
Mike Bracken became a deacon at Faith OPC in 2023. He has been married to his wife, Kristi, for almost 20 years. Mike is an Army veteran who began his devotion to the Lord in 1994. His civilian background includes business management and the arts.

Michael Zollinger
Michael Zollinger has had a lifelong passion for training the next generation for service to God. He served 15 years in a Scripture memorization program for youth. He's also taught youth Sunday School classes and has repeatedly served as a counselor at our presbytery's summer youth camp. He founded American Heritage Girls Troop TX0595 and Trail Life Troop TX-0595. Both programs are Christ-centered and encourage youth in their faith while experiencing outdoor adventures. Michael has been married to his wife Becky since 1993, and they have four children, Cyprian, Elise, Katrina, and Tristan.
Our History